Top-tier Manual Testing Course Training Institute in Jaipur

Top-tier Manual Testing Course Training Institute in Jaipur

Manifest Being A Manual Tester!

Ubuy Academy, with its industry-level experts and inclusive classroom environment, is providing the best manual QA testing course tutorial in Jaipur to both freshers and experienced professionals who want to make a career in the software field. Here you will learn how to check the predetermined test cases manually instead of using automation tools to find defects in the software being tested.

Ubuy Academy, with its industry-level experts and inclusive classroom environment, is providing the best manual QA testing course tutorial in Jaipur to both freshers and experienced professionals who want to make a career in the software field. Here you will learn how to check the predetermined test cases manually instead of using automation tools to find defects in the software being tested.

What to Expect from Our Manual Testing Course Training in Jaipur?

Learn manual testing step by step from the basics to the advanced level at our institute which provides hands-on training to people interested in moving forward in their careers as QAs or testers. The complete details of this manual tester course provided by our academy are as follows -

In-detail explanation of what will be included in our manual testing training course is as follows-

What is Manual Testing?

Manual testing refers to the process of testing software where test case execution is done manually as per the end user's requirements instead of being dependent on automation tools. The purpose of manual testing is to check whether the software is functioning as per the requirements.

Need for Manual QA Training

In this world of continuous advancements where slowly and steadily all job roles are being either replaced or assisted by modern tools and techniques, manual testing is one such procedure that can't be replaced. The reason for this is that no matter how automated systems become, there will always be a need for human assistance in software testing.

Creating and Executing Testcases

Our curriculum also involves providing manual testing and real-time project training to the learners with regard to creating different kinds of test cases and then executing those test cases to check whether there is any need for rectification in the software. Learners at our institute will also get help from industry experts for an effective learning experience.

Steps Involved in Testing

Software testing itself is a complex process as it involves multiple facets, all of which are necessary for getting the desired results. Hence, we intend to demonstrate all the steps involved to the learners so that they acquire an ample understanding of how things work in manual software testing.

Testing Levels

  • Unit Testing - This form of testing is done at the initial stages of development and in most cases is done by developers instead of testers.
  • Integration Testing - The purpose of integration testing is to check whether different components of the application are working together in sync.
  • System Testing - In this form of testing, each and every component gets tested so as to ensure all the needs have been met and the whole system is working in proper alignment.
  • Acceptance Testing - Acceptance testing determines whether the application will be distributed to the public or not.

Key Terms in the Manual Testing Complete Course

In our manual testing live project training, the applicants would be made familiar with the following terminologies in detail.

The Seven Principles of Testing

There exist seven principles of testing that every manual tester should be aware of in order to achieve optimum results.

  • Testing shows the presence of defects - This involves testing the developed application to check for any bugs in the code.
  • Exhaustive testing is not possible - Due to the wastage of time and effort in checking all the exhaustive test cases, testers need to test only the important modules.
  • Early testing - This depicts that testing should begin with the initial stages of the software development life cycle as finding bugs early helps prevent waste of effort and time.
  • Defect clustering - This process involves finding out uncertain modules that include the most number of bugs.
  • Pesticide paradox - As per the paradox executing the same test cases over and over would not lead to finding new bugs in the software.
  • Testing is context dependent - This principle depicts that applications formed for different fields are tested in different ways depending on their context.
  • Absence of errors fallacy - Testing an application with incorrect requirements, even if you find any errors, is of no use.

Types of Software and Applications

Out of the different kinds of software, there exist 4 most common software types, which have been given below and the rest will be taught by us in our manual testing classes.

System Software

These kinds of software are developed to act as interfaces between user applications and hardware. Operating systems are one of the most common system software available in the market.

Application Software

Such software is basically developed for end users to carry out different functionalities as per the inputs given to them. The most common example of application software is a media player.

Utility Software

Utility Software is system software that helps keep the functionalities of a Computer System in check. These software are built to perform certain tasks like virus detection, installation, uninstallation, data backup, deletion of unwanted files, etc. Some examples of utility software include antivirus software, file management tools, compression tools, disk management tools, etc.

SRS Document (Software Requirement Specification)

Software Requirements Specifications, abbreviated as SRS, include the overall requirements given by the end user. To the reader, this document depicts the specific requirements for which the software needs to be designed, such as project scope, objectives and constraints. The SRS document acts as a resource for the software development process and a required input for developers, testers and stakeholders.

Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)

STLC can be seen as a part of the software development life cycle where the testing process of the end product is done so as to check whether the software made is up to the standards or not. It is a multi-phase process whose main goal is to look out for any kind of errors or defects during the developing process so that no problems arise during the release of the end product. Majorly there are six phases of STLC that have been explained below:

Requirement Analysis

Being the first phase of STLC, the major task performed at this point is gathering requirements from the stakeholders and looking for potential risks that may arise during testing.

Test Planning

Test planning is the most essential part of STLC as this phase mostly deals with defining the testing plans and calculating how much effort and cost would be required for testing.

Test Case Development

This phase of STLC is tasked with finding test cases and then creating test data and scenarios along with evaluating the expected results of the test cases. Also, the requirement traceability matrix is updated in this phase so that the testing is done thoroughly. There are three parts of test case development:

  • Testing Documentation
  • Test Scenario
  • Test Case
Test Environment Setup

Setting up a test environment means combining the software and hardware environment so that the tests can be executed. It is an independent phase that can be started with or after the development phase.

Test Execution

This is a dependent phase that cannot be started before test case development and environment setup. In this phase, the testers are required to run the predefined test cases to monitor the issues that arise and rectify them.

Test Closure

This is the last phase of STLC, where all the execution of test cases ends and everything gets documented. The end product becomes ready to use by the public after this phase. To get a more comprehensive understanding of STLC and manual testing, do enrol for our manual testing classes.

Verification and Validation

There exist two sub-parts of manual software testing training:


Verification, also known as static testing, is the process where testers make sure that they are building the right application or not. This process involves multiple tasks such as system requirements, business requirements, design review and much more.


Validation, also known as dynamic testing, is the process where the tester ensures whether the product is built as per the requirements given by the end-user or not. Here the tester is involved in both functional and non-functional testing.

Server and Test Environment

Server and test environments form a crucial part of learning manual testing.

  • Server Environment refers to the hardware, software or any network infrastructure that receives, stores or sends data to another program within the network. Different servers perform different services that aid in managing web applications, databases and other software systems.
  • Testing Environment refers to the hardware, software or network infrastructure used to conduct software testing. This gets inclusive of testing tools, test automation frameworks, virtual machines and simulators that allow testing teams to run different test cases.

Errors, Bugs/Defects and Failures

Manual testing classes involve making sure that the program built is free of any kind of bugs, errors or failures. This is why it is important to be familiar with the following:

  • Errors - Numerous human faults or inaccuracies in the code execution piles up in the process of software designing. The deviation from the functionalities according to the expected specifications of the software gets referred to as errors present in the code.
  • Bug/Defects - These are flaws that cumulatively combine in the application causing it to behave in an undetermined manner and to yield incorrect outcomes.
  • Failures - The inability of a created software to perform the specified functions or serve the purpose is referred to as failure.

QA vs QC (Quality Assurance and Quality Control)

The manual qa testing course involves learning about the fundamentals of quality assurance and quality control.

  • QA or Quality assurance is proactive in nature, as it is focused on defect prevention. This process involves ensuring that all the steps taken from the start to the development of a product are done in a correct manner. It also helps in recognising flaws in the developed application.
  • QC or quality control is reactive in nature as it is focused on finding bugs and ensuring that the requirements given by the end user are met. This process begins after the completion of quality assurance.

Smoke and Sanity

Manual testing training also involves testing the program after its build through the following ways -

  • Smoke testing is an important part of the preliminary software testing stage that ensure software functions in a proper manner and is stable enough to be contemplated for further testing procedures.
  • Sanity testing is a more focused testing approach that performs specific checks often after a bug fix to ensure that the rest of the system functions properly and that the overall performance of the system has not been impacted.

Types of Manual Testing

Manual testing is done in various ways, however, majorly, it is divided into three categories, namely black box testing, white box testing and grey box testing. Let's dive into the details underneath.

Black Box Testing

This form of testing focuses on finding defects in the functionality of either a particular module or the entire software. Here the tester or QA runs specific test cases manually and then shares the results with the development team in case any error is found. For instance -

  • If the tester runs a specific test case by giving input and the result is similar to what was expected, then that test case would run for different inputs, and all results will be shared with the development team.
  • On the other hand, in case the output doesn't match what was expected, the tester will share this issue with developers to rectify the errors.
Types of Black Box Testing

During our manual tester training, you will gain an in-depth understanding of black box testing. Black box testing is majorly classified into two parts, namely functional and non-functional testing.

  • Functional Testing - In this form of black box testing only the functionalities and features of the developed application are tested as per the requirements of the client. There are various subparts of functional testing that are given below:
    • Unit Testing
    • Integration Testing (Incremental and Non-Incremental Testing)
    • System Testing
    • Interface Testing
    • Regression Testing
    • Smoke Testing
    • Sanity Testing
    • And others (21 types of testing)
  • Non-functional Testing - In non-functional black box testing all the non-functional aspects of the website are checked so as to verify how the application behaves and how it performs. There are multiple subparts of non-functional testing as well which have been mentioned underneath:
    • Performance Testing (Load, Stress and Stability Testing)
    • Usability Testing
    • Compatibility Testing

White Box Testing

Unlike black box testing, white box testing is solely focused on the internal structure of the software such as coding, designs and many more. In this scenario, the developers thoroughly review the complete code to promote correctness. If the developers locate any bug in the code, they rectify it instantly. White Box testing forms a crucial part of manual QA tester training as it assists in finding the security gaps in the software. In this method, the tester or QA is familiar with the internal architecture of the software tested whereas as in the black box, they aren’t.

Gray Box Testing

Gray Box Testing involves a combination of white box and black box testing that help in identifying content-specific errors related to the system. This testing technique enables the tester to test both the code part and presentation layer of the software.

Test Case Design Techniques Utilised in Manual Software Testing Training

Test Case Design Techniques Utilised in Manual Software Testing Training

At our manual testing coaching institute, get acquainted with the following test case design techniques -

  • Error Guessing - In error guessing the tester is required to create different test cases and run tests depending on previously tested cases to evaluate what problems might occur in the application. It can be seen as a trial and error method as the tester tries to create bugs.
  • Decision Table Testing - In this form of testing we determine how an application reacts to different input combinations. After the testing part, all the combinations of inputs and how the application reacted are tabulated.
  • Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) - It is often seen that most errors at the time of software testing come from the extreme ends of the input, making it important to look for bugs in boundary values. BVA is a technique utilised in black box testing that assists in finding the bugs generated due to extreme values.
  • Equivalence Partitioning - Similar to BVA, equivalence partitioning is also a part of black box testing. This technique involves dividing the input domain into specific classes to lessen the overall test cases. Here most of the irrelevant test cases are neglected and only the major test cases that can have an impact are included.
  • State Transition Diagram (STD) - It is also a black box testing technique that assists in evaluating the behaviour of the software under testing at different inputs. The STD can take both negative and positive inputs and then exhibit how the software works.

What will You Learn in Defect Tracking in Manual Testing at Our Institute?

Being a crucial part of manual testing, our manual tester course will teach you all about -

What is Defect Tracking?

There are various ways through which defects occur in software, such as ineffective designs, presumptions about the software environment and failure to communicate about the product. In terms of big projects with increasing complexity, it becomes harder to locate and rectify the defects.

Hence having a testing team is a must for tracking the defects. In software testing, defect tracking can be defined as the process of locating defects in the product from the beginning to the end. The defect tracking process is done throughout the SDLC so that rectifications are made, and then those changes are also checked.

Bug in Software Testing

Bugs are also referred to as defects in software testing; therefore, whenever a bug occurs in the application, it depicts that the application isn't working according to the required needs. There are various other names for bugs as well, such as error, issue, failure or fault.

Bug Life cycle

The bug life cycle includes a group of statuses created for defect management. The bug status assists in keeping the developers informed about the advancements. This cycle begins when a tester locates a defect in the application, and it ends when that defect is resolved.

Severity & Priority

Severity in software testing, as the name suggests, depicts how badly a defect can hamper the functionalities of an application. Whereas priority depicts how fast that defect needs to be rectified.

Test Environment

Creating test cases is an essential aspect of software testing, but there is always a need for an interface where these test cases are executed. Such interfaces where test cases are executed are called test environments. A test environment is formed by incorporating software, hardware, network configurations and test data.

Defect Management Process

The defect management process can be seen as the most important part of software testing, as after locating the defects, it is important to manage them. There are three major subparts of the defect management process, including defect discovery, defect removal and process improvement. The overall role of the defect management process is to handle defects by first discovering them and then rectifying them in order to improve the overall process.

Which Bug-Tracking Tools are Mostly Utilised in Manual Testing?

There is a myriad of tools that get utilised for manual testing and coaching nowadays. Those that you will learn at our institute are as follows -

  • JIRA is a powerful and customizable bug-tracking tool developed by Atlassian that allows its users to manage tasks, customise workflows and track progress.
  • Bugzilla is a defect-tracking tool that is used by various software development teams to track and manage bugs. Developed by the Mozilla Foundation, Bugzilla is also accompanied by advanced search capabilities, customizable reports and features that allow it to work in integration with other development tools.
  • Mantis debugging tool is apt for small to medium-sized software development teams. This app is known for its features such as custom fields, email notifications, and version control integration.
  • Asana is a project management tool that allows teams to keep track of their work and manage projects online. Its bug-tracking tool allows users to assign and track issues, set deadlines and manage the entire system.

All of these tools work manually with human assistance and do not need any kind of automation.

Brief Overview of Performance Testing Using JMeter

At our manual testing training institute, get to know more about -

What is JMeter?

Performance testing of web applications can be easily done with the help of Apache JMeter, which is open-source software that is completely based on Java programming language. The Apache JMeter assists in measuring performance by increasing the ratio of concurrent users on the application being tested, which in turn generates a heavy load on the application. At first, this software was only utilised to test applications; however, currently, it is also being used for testing other functions.

Benefits of Utilising JMeter for Performance Testing

There are numerous reasons why JMeter is considered to be the best performance testing tool, and some of them have been explained below:

Server Compatibility

JMeter being an open-source tool, isn't designated to a single server. Hence it can be used for performance testing of different applications on any protocol or server.

Expandable Architecture

In the case of JMeter, individuals can build their own plugins, making it easier to work with. Also, it provides numerous features like server resource monitoring.

No Investment is Required

One of the most significant aspects of JMeter is that individuals can use it for free. Due to this, any individual or team not having much budget can utilise JMeter to develop tools or work on any project requiring performance testing.


As a developer, there are times when you might need to add some functionalities or make customizations in the source code. In such cases, Jmeter is the most efficient tool, as you can make any changes as per your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions Related to Our Best Manual Testing Course

Some time back, finding manual testing training classes near me would have been a tiring task, but now with Ubuy Academy, people can easily skill up and move ahead in their work roles. Our extensive curriculum is specifically designed to help students get practical knowledge from people working in the software industry through live project training in manual testing. So stop lagging behind and enrol with us and start learning.

Individuals currently working in the software industry as well as beginners, can join the QA manual testing full course and move forward in their careers. This is because there are no basic requirements required to enrol for this course. However, individuals with basic IT knowledge will be the most suitable ones. Hence stop wondering what might be and start learning with the best manual testing tutorial.

There are various reasons for joining our manual testing course, such as:
  • Both theoretical as well as practical learning
  • Learn industry-relevant skills
  • Get real-time project training
  • Mentors with industry experience
  • Strengthen your CV with certification
  • Learn in simple and easy language

Reach Out to Us to Know More About Our Certified Manual Testing Course Institute

To get to know more about the manual software testing full course, and study material such as syllabus, fees and duration, please write an email to To enrol in the best QA manual testing course in Jaipur, please visit